Due to an increase of attendance at the
8:00 am, and 10:00 am last Sunday, we are opening our
vigil mass this weekend, Saturday, September 19. I will celebrate the
vigil mass at 5:00 pm. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we navigate through these changes.
Weekend Masses
Saturday (Vigil Mass)
5:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am (English)
10:00 am (Bilingual Mass)
1:00 pm (Foresthill)
I want to invite all of you to come and support our Fundraiser,
Drive-Thru Mexican Dinner tomorrow, September 18, 2020, from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm. Please stop by the hall and grab your delicious Mexican dinner. We want to express our appreciation to our
Knights of Columbus 6149 for their tremendous hard work and for cooking a delicious meal for all of us. St. Joseph Thrift Store is having a
RUMMAGE SALE in the parking lot this weekend,
September 19 and September 20. Please adhere to social distancing and follow all Covid-19 protocols.
Please know that you are all included in my prayers.