We are composed of three small groups of volunteers. The first group consists of people who meet each Wednesday after the 8:30 AM Mass to vacuum, dust, clean windows and holy water fonts, pick up and empty trash and straighten the books in the pews. We also have one person who comes 5 or 6 mornings each week to sweep the brick sidewalk, water the plants in the area by the side door.
The second group comes in every day and straightens the books, picks up trash, refills the candles, cleans the holy water fonts and windows. They also set up for Adoration every Thursday and take care of live flowers as needed and put the bulletins out each week.
The third group takes care of the décor of the sanctuary. This task is done as needed according to the church calendar; Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent and Easter.
Please contact the office if you are interested at (530) 885-2956
Contact: Mark Ruiz [email protected]
We believe in life as a daily battle. With Christ and the Holy Spirit to be our help, we study next Sunday’s Gospel. With fellowship and prayer, we support each other as we grow in our faith. There is no homework, and it helps us to get more out of the Liturgy on Sunday. Join us on Thursday mornings from 9:15 to 11.
Contact: Ginny Huckins [email protected]
Contact: Mary Jorgensen, (916) 716-7308, [email protected]
Come sit with Me The Real Presence is the real Jesus
“In thy presence there is fullness of joy.” -Psalm16:11
What do you actually do during Adoration? You Pray before the very presence of Our Lord, exposed in the monstrance. Please prayerfully consider saying YES to spending just one hour of your week with Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
Thursday’s 9am to 6pm.
6:00 Benediction
and Nocturnal adoration until 6:30am Benediction.
Bishop Soto has requested that we have at least 2 people in the Church for each hour that the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. Can you do your part?
Contact: Barbara & George Coelho [email protected]
This ministry is the center of the Church’s life. The celebration of the Eucharist at Mass is the most important expression of our belief in eternal life. As faithful believers we look forward to receiving Holy Communion.
An Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist assists the priest and deacon with the distribution of Holy Communion during the Mass. Within the church community, their service displays an abundant love of the Eucharist, by bringing the sacred presence of Christ to those who are sick and homebound.
To perform this ministry, the extraordinary minister must be a baptized Catholic in good standing with the Church. The minister will be a person of faith, who believes in God, follows Christ, and trusts in the Holy Spirit. Through prayer and training, God’s call to serve the Church, will be enhanced.
Contact: Diane Wilford [email protected]
Contact: Doreen Wood, (530) 823-5066
The purpose of the Garden Committee is to promote beautification of the church grounds by providing the landscape planning, planting, weeding, area assignments for maintenance and work crews for the garden areas at St. Joseph Parish. The Garden Committee is open to parishioners of St. Joseph Parish.
Contact: Karen Thomas [email protected]
Mission: The mission of the Guild of Saint Tarcisius is to form servers who assist Bishops and Priests at the Altar when the ordained ministers celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ.
To serve at the Altar and to offer oneself to Our Lord, is a great privilege given by the Catholic Church. It is possible for servers to trace their lineage to a young boy who also offered himself to Our Lord.
Saint Tarcisius was a 12 year old boy who was martyred in the 3rd century while protecting the Eucharist.
The objective of the Guild of Saint Tarcisius informs and forms servers according to the rubrics and decrees of the Catholic Church so that they understand the meaning and purpose of the liturgical action at which they serve.
Contact: Hugh Paxton [email protected]
Contact: Porfirio Perez-(530) 613-3624, Cristina Martinez-(530) 308-5693
The lectors at St. Joseph Parish have a simple but very important duty – to prayerfully proclaim the Word of the Lord during the celebration of the Mass.
The lectors serve at the celebration of the Eucharist on Saturday vigil, Sundays and Holydays. The lectors proclaim the 1st and 2nd readings during the Mass, and also proclaim the special readings on Holydays.
The Ministry is open to all members of the Parish. We currently have lectors with less than a year’s experience to “veterans” with over 30 years of service in the Ministry. When you join the Ministry, an experienced lector will work with you to make sure you are comfortable serving as a lector.
Contact: Diane Wilford [email protected]
Contact: Cristina Martinez-(530) 308-5693
Jesus spent much of his time on Earth ministering to and comforting people struggling with illness or other physical difficulties. Here at St. Joseph we follow in his footsteps by reaching out to the sick and suffering and tending to their spiritual needs through the sacraments of Anointing of the Sick and the Eucharist.
Anointing of the Sick-Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament that is offered to those who are seriously ill, dying, or have grown weak under the burden of years. If you or someone you know wishes to be anointed, please call the Parish Office and one of the priests on duty will arrange a convenient time to visit you in your home, nursing home or hospital.
Additionally, we offer the sacrament of Anointing following Mass each month on a rotating basis. Please check the bulletin for time and dates.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: 1499 “By the sacred anointing of the sick and the prayer of the priests the whole Church commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that he may raise them up and save them. And indeed she exhorts them to contribute to the good of the People of God by freely uniting themselves to the Passion and death of Christ.”98
Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick Continued…
Because of illness or age, many of our fellow Catholics cannot join in the celebration of the Eucharist. To ensure that our suffering brothers and sisters can receive the Body of Christ in their time of need, St. Joseph sponsors the Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick through which Eucharistic ministers bring communion to Catholics in local convalescent hospitals and the homebound. These volunteers are a wonderful “invisible army” that works quietly, diligently, and lovingly to bring our Lord to those who could not otherwise receive communion.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: 1323 “At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of his Body and Blood. This he did in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages until he should come again, and so to entrust to his beloved Spouse, the Church, a memorial of his death and resurrection: a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity, a Paschal banquet ‘in which Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us.'”135
Contact: Office at (530) 885-2956
The Music Ministry of St. Joseph Church facilitates fuller and more meaningful participation in liturgical celebrations by leading the parishioners in the musical celebration of the liturgy. Music ministry offers opportunities to participate as cantors, instrumentalists and choir members at all weekend Masses for all adults and children who love to sing for the Lord. Weekly practice is held before each Sunday Mass, with special practices for Easter and Christmas that will be announced as the season draws near. Practice is Tuesday's at 6:30-8pm in the Church.
Contact: Gellimy Sescon (530) 885-2956
The Parish Finance Council functions as a consultative body to the Pastor.
The Council ensures that an adequate system of internal controls is in place to guide the parish in caring for and managing financial resources and temporal goods. The Parish Finance Council observes all policies and procedures outlined in the Parish Financial Management Handbook.
The Finance Council is to provide a means by which the Pastor receives expert help in caring for the temporal goods of the parish. It fosters a climate of openness and participation by ensuring the adherence to responsible financial policies. The Finance a Council should provide the Pastoral Council regular and timely reports on the status of the parish and the work activity of the Parish Finance Council.
The Parish Finance Council:
Father Carlo Tejano
Tim DeWitt
Mike Gowring
Alan Bollinger
Gary Brittner
Deacon Mark Ruiz, Advisor
Contact: Mike Newell-(530) 401-5546, Dave Vargas-(916) 663-1356
The Parish Pastoral Council is a leadership community rooted in prayer, open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, committed to patient listening and study, and working to recommend the plans and directions that will enable the parish to respond most fully to what Jesus asks of us in these times. It rests on the tripod of prayer, study and action.
Current Members 2021
Fr. Carlo Tejano
Christine Taylor
Cristina Martinez
Dean Wood
Julia Broughan
Katie Lovesee
Beda Manalang
Chris Biesecker
Jail chaplains preside at a Liturgy of the Word Service every Sunday at Noon in the men’s and women’ tanks. The commitment would be one Sunday a month consisting of two services which would be about 2 1/2 hours. This is a great ministry and we need more chaplains especially women.
Contact: Lyn Mazur, [email protected]
Every Tuesday morning after Mass, let us consecrate our lives to Jesus through the Immaculate Conception and let us pray for priests.
Contact: Rosemary Seck
We, the members of the Pro-Life Ministry of St. Joseph Catholic Church, in accordance with the USCCB Pastoral Plan and the Gospel of Life, commit ourselves to defend the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. We will do this through prayer, education, political action and charitable assistance to those in need. We are dedicated to promoting the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church on all life issues, including abortion, euthanasia, artificial contraception, and stem cell research.
PRO-LIFE MEETINGS: 2nd Tuesday of each month: 7pm-LCR
Contact: Penny Gowring- [email protected], Christine [email protected]
The purpose the Special Events Committee is two-fold. The main focus is to add value to a parishioner’s relationship with St. Joseph Parish by providing events which build on the church community. At the same time, some of the events provide fund-raising for specific needs of the church. Some of the events: Celebration of our Patron Saint, St. Joseph; Pancake breakfasts, Donut Sunday, Cajun Dinner, Rummage Sale, E-waste collection. The Special Events Committee is open to parishioners of St. Joseph Parish.
Contact: Bonnie Amaro-Letcher [email protected]
Contact: Kevin Letcher [email protected]
Contact: Doreen Wood [email protected]
Dead Theologians Society held Mondays 7-9 for Confirmed - 12th grade. Join in for fellowship, discussions on the Saints and snacks.