As we enter into
October, Respect Life Month, I would like to invite you all to come and join us. We prepared different activities in our parish to increase our knowledge of how we could promote the sanctity of life in our families and neighbors. We will begin our
Pro-Life awareness in our parish through Prayer and Worship. On
October 8, 2020, at 6:00 pm. I will be exposing the Blessed Sacrament inside the church. We will be praying together on that day for an end to abortion, euthanasia, and the pandemic.
After our Pro-Life Praise and Worship Night, the following week, on
October 15, 2020, Andreya Arevalo will be presenting the Theology of the Body inside the church. I want to invite our parents and grandparents to come and listen to this talk so that you could teach and educate your children on how they could respect their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.
October 30, 2020, we will culminate our Respect Life Month at the parking lot so that we could accommodate more people. We will do a living rosary and ask the intercession of the Blessed Mother to help us to go out and preach about the sanctity of life.
Please observe social distancing and wear your mask as you come to these activities in our parish.
Rest assured of my continued prayers for all of you.